
Side Perspectives e.U.
Siebenbrunnenfeldgasse 4/24, 1050 Vienna, Austria
+43 677 63740039

Company object: Graphic Design
Founder: Robin Sarkar
Member of the WKO Wien
Legal form: Registered sole proprietorship
Company registration number: FN 542563 m
Company register court: Handelsgericht Wien
Supervisory authority: Magistrat der Stadt Wien
Job title: Graphic Design
Awarding state: Austria
Applicable legal regulations: Trade regulations
VAT exempt – small business owners acc. § 6 para. 1 no. 27 UStG

According to the Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Affairs (ODR Regulation), consumers have the opportunity to complain at the EU’s online dispute resolution platform on this page. They can also find further information about dispute resolution here.


The general terms and conditions (AAB) of Design Austria apply: Download (pdf)


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